Why Raptoreum
Raptoreum provides a secure & fast Cryptocurrency that anybody can easily use, and is building a simple to use asset platform that will allow anybody to tokenize anything (non fungible tokens) with just a few clicks.
That same platform while being simple will also be extremely flexible, powerful, and scalable. DAPP developers will be able to utilize the asset platform and flexible smart contracts to tailor their DAPPs to their needs.
Raptoreum’s decentralization and security features allow anybody to use and build on Raptoreum with confidence.
Raptoreum Features
Currently active, and planned features
ASIC/FPGA Resistant
GhostRider Algorithm (active)
GhostRider is an algorithm created specifically for Raptoreum. It was built to discourage specialty hardware such as ASIC & FPGA enabling anybody to competitively mine it and increase overall decentralization.
Easy & Powerful
Asset Platform
Raptoreum is adding an asset layer that will allow anybody to quickly and easily create a non fungible asset/token. Trustless on chain transfers of these assets will be possible once smart contracts have been added.
Lock RTM coins or assets into a special transaction, and have them automatically released at a certain blockheight or timestamp.
Multi Language
Smart Contracts
Raptoreums smart contracts will be stored and executed on Smartnodes, this allows scaling, and avoids the congestion issues seen on Ethereum. Additionally, this allows for greater flexibility in allowed programming languages. 3-4 major programming languages will be available for Raptoreum’s smart contracts.
51% / Double
Spend Protection (active)
LLMQ & Chainlocks have been active since March 04 2021 protecting the Raptoreum network from 51% / double spend attacks. The activation of Chainlocks makes Raptoreum one of the most secure Cryptocurrency and asset platforms available today.
Custom Emissions
& Rewards (active)
Raptoreum has implemented a custom reward structure that not only makes Raptoreum emissions smooth, but also unique. In addition Raptoreum also uses a tiered Smartnode collateral and reward system which should avoid hyperinflation. A common and potentially devastating problem with many projects that use Masternodes.
Raptoreum is part of the Feathered Corp – House of Francis, Room 303, lle Du Port, Mahe, Seychelles